Cookie Policy

This "Cookie Policy" details how we use technologies on (the "Site") to collect information that helps us improve your online experience. Please check this policy periodically as we may change this Cookie Policy from time to time. Please also see our Privacy Policy to understand the other ways in which we use information we collect about you.

Your Consent

The cookies we use do not store any personal data, or any information that may identify you, until you register to use our services. By browsing and continuing our website, you are consenting to the use of the cookies as described in this Cookie Policy.

Cookies We Use

Here is a list of the types of cookies we use on the Site:

Strictly Necessary Cookies
Strictly Necessary cookies help make this Site usable by enabling basic functions like page navigation and access to secure areas of the website. This Site cannot function properly without these cookies. Examples of Strictly Necessary Cookies include cookies to handle: authentication for Facebook, Apple and Google login, proper implementation of javascript libraries, etc.

Performance Cookies
Performance Cookies collect information anonymously about your use of our Site and enable us to improve the way it works. Examples of Performance cookies used on the Site are: Google Analytics, New Relic, and others.

Functional Cookies
Functional Cookies help us remember the choices you have made in the past, such as your preferred site language or to enable specific features of our Site such as applying discount coupons. Examples of Functional Cookies used on the Site are our cookies to handle discount coupons delivered to you, our cookies to handle messaging, our cookies to remember your level, etc.

Marketing Cookies
Marketing cookies are used to measure the effectiveness of an advertising campaign and help advertisers deliver more relevant advertising or to limit how many times you see an ad. Examples of marketing cookies used on our Site are: Facebook Cookies and Google Cookies.

Disabling & Deleting Cookies

You can disable or manually delete cookies in your Browser. For information on how to do this from Google for Chrome, here, or from Apple for Safari, here.

Contact Details

For questions about our Cookie Policy, please contact us as follows: